
Ali Al-Nakeeb on Solving Problems

Ali Al-Nakeeb on Solving Problems

I began climbing in 2016 when my university housemate took me to Junction Climbing center. He was an avid climber and wanted to show me a new sport. i was a varsity athlete on the fencing team at Western University. I went with him for a few weeks once or twice a week when we had time until he got injured and stopped climbing. Then in 2017 there were too many stressors on my fencing performance and it was eating up too much of my time, therefore I decided to take a break from the sport. I tend to be a very active individual so I was looking for a new sport/hobby to do in my spare time. Climbing was the perfect fit for me, I started going three to five times a week to the gym and fell in love with the support quite quickly.


Year you Began Setting (how and/or why)

In 2019 I began working at Up The Bloc in Mississauga, at the time I was not involved in the setting world whatsoever, but had always fantasized about route setting as most climbers do. It just so happened that one of our setters who also washed the holds was quitting and the owner was looking to hire someone to fill that role. I didn’t realize that I would be setting, I anticipated stripping the wall and washing the holds and doing some gym maintenance. During my first shift after I was done washing the holds, the head setter handed me a drill and asked me to set a boulder! From there I learned continued to grow and improve as a setter.

What’s your Climbing Community Involvement?

I have worked at four different climbing gyms so far, Junction Climbing Centre, Up The Bloc, True North Climbing, and currently at Boulderz Climbing Centre.

I also am sponsored by Flashed climbing, where I get to represent the brand and share my knowledge of its product across the community. We host athlete trips around Canada and the US so I get to travel to different parts of North America and interact with the communities around there.

I am also sponsored by Evolv, and through that I host shoe demos across the climbing gyms in the GTA. It is an extremely fun and valuable event where I get to help climbers find a perfect fitting shoe for them, and interact with all the different communities at each gym. I’ve made many friends from doing such events including Josefina and Nico!!!

I am also what they call friends with Arcteryx, it is a role that a step behind being an ambassador with the brand. But through this involvement I have hosted a few intro to bouldering events at few gyms in the GTA. It is always a great time getting to interact with the newer folks who are just getting into the sport and getting to share my knowledge and psych with them.

Finally, I am the Niagara Glen Portfolio Manager which involves advocating for Niagara Glen climbers & working to ensure the Niagara Glen is available for future generations of climbers to enjoy. Being a positive ambassador for sustainable climbing in the Niagara Glen. Collaborating with the Niagara Parks Commission (NPC) on access guidelines, events, clean ups, etc.

What would keep you from climbing? What would you do instead?

Climbing for me is equally a physical challenge and a mental challenge. Using only your muscle to get up the climb is never enough, solving the puzzle of a climb, whether it is figuring out the beta, adjusting the hand position, hip movement, etc all play a crucial part in keeping me mentally engaged. This gives me the thrill to want to become better and better. I get inspired by movement and then wish to try it, I am attracted to beautiful lines that drive me to try and climb them, and as much as I love climbing with others and pushing my friends to send and give their all, I love that climbing is about you and the climb only, that is all that matters, you set your challenge and you decide what success is to you. This mindset, which I arrived at quickly into starting the sport is what has kept me motivated to continue climbing and improving.

If I never got into climbing I would have gotten back to training for fencing and trying to reach a highly competitive level, then one day go try climbing and get addicted to it and leave fencing…


What is the most challenging aspect of setting problems and/or routes for climbers of various skill levels?

The most challenging thing for me has been setting a climb that invokes a feeling. Rather than thinking about what I want the climber to do, I have been thinking about ways to make the climber feel before the climb when they look at it, during the climb while they are on the wall, and most importantly after the climb, what feelings did the climb evoke. Also trying to make things as fair as possible to all climbers in terms of reach and moving through a natural path that doesn't feel goofy or morphed.

How do you approach creating a balance between difficulty and accessibility (climbers with physical disabilities)?

I do not think about physical disability in setting and here is why; When i worked at true north there used to be a group of climber with physical and mental disability who came to the gym weekly through Adaptive Climbing organization, I noticed that they never shied from any challenge and as long as they could get on the wall they were happy to take on the challenge. they mostly did top roping since it was safer for them, but there were climbers who chose to boulder as well. The climbs seemed to challenge them differently from folks without their disability but it was not inaccessible nor unclimbable, they had to find creative ways to send the climb.

Since then my approach has been to create climbs that are fair; an accessible starting position, moves are within reach of most folks, and a balanced amount of risk, intensity, and complexity.

Not sure if this answered the question, but our gym is hosting a friendly paraclimbing competition in the next month, so i will be learning around that area a lot soon!!!!

When you forerun or watch someone else climb your problems or routes, what do you look for?

I look for what seemed most intuitive for the climber, what direction and sequence did they choose. I look for the amount of effort put into the climb, I look for emotional feedback post climb, how they react after coming off the climb and what do they say to their friends or their facial expression.

What are your thoughts regarding indoor bouldering grades? Circuits vs V-grades? What are the pros and cons?

I am not a fan of indoor V-grades, it is all mostly subjective and up to too many factors. I prefer a circuit for an indoor climbing gym because it creates a better range of challenge.

Grades are mostly a guideline to the level of challenge a climb presents, however with the vast amount of styles in climbing, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact amount of challenge a climb presents, especially since people have different strengths and weaknesses. Therefore we find ourselves arguing consistently about the grades of climbs and whether a certain climb should be graded one way or another.

The advantage to a circuit is that it involves more than one grade, thus if one climb targets the weakness of one climber and strength of another, they both can agree that is is in the circuit but potentially different grade.

How do you feel about "Route Setting Clinics" for people without setting experience or even climbing gym staff? Would this experience enable them to provide a more objective criticism instead of "too soft" or "sandbag"?

A route setting clinic would be phenomenal!!!!! I can’t understand why, in Ontario, such a thing does not exist. We do have The B.I.G initiative that gives amazing opportunities for climbers to get into setting, however that is only one entity that does that scarcely throughout the year.

I know of one gym that did a setting clinic prior to the pandemic, and one of the participants told me that they had a greater appreciation for the effort and work that goes into setting, and how challenging it is to create a climb that is spot on the grade.

Such a clinic would expose the participants to how brutal the climbers can be in terms of: attacking the climb’s grade, breaking the beta, calling climbs stupid or not fun, and shitting on the setters for not doing a good job. All negatives aside… that is only a small portion of the job, that majority of the time, climbers are wonderful and thankful for what we provide. It is one of the best feelings when climbers post about your climb on social media!

On your road to V12

Can you share a memorable experience or challenge you faced while working on this grade, and what strategies or mindset helped you overcome it?

I have yet to send a V12, however an experience that was vividly memorable was in June of this year when I was in Squamish, I started trying Room Service which is a stunning line located in the room where Dream Catcher and Singularity are, couple of the most well known climbs in the world, Room Service is also a highly known and sought after V12. So I decided to see where I stand against my goal. To my great surprise, in my first session I was able to do all the moves individually and do the climb in two overlapping sections!!! I thought that was going to be the end of RoadToV12 and moving onto the next chapter. But that was not the case, the two sessions on it I came extremely close to sending but could’t latch the last hard move from the start. This puts me in a great mindset because I learned that I am capable of climbing this grade and I am ready to work hard to achieve my goal.

How do you choose your projects? What makes them “the one”?

I stopped picking projects, instead I tend to try and climb whatever I can, and if there is a climb that at first I can’t send, then I go back and put some more effort into it, analyze why I am falling, what do I need to get better at to send it, work on the those areas, go back and hopefully manage to get the climb. What makes a climb “the one” for me is the level of challenge and the beauty of its movement. I LOVE a good challenge and climb that proves me weak, this inspires me to work more and more until that weakness is a strength. The movement on a climb is also a great factor of attraction for me, I don’t really care about the aesthetic of a boulder, but the movement, flow, subtleties, and finesse is what drives me to pick “the one”.

What would you recommend to someone working on their first outdoor project? What should they have in consideration (example “if it’s overhang, you could still climb it if it rains”)?

Best advice I can give is to not try it all the time… this might seem counter intuitive, however after a certain amount of time and effort you will start to digress and do worse on the project. That is a good time to take a break from it and go climb other stuff, build a solid foundation to similar grades and boost your confidence by getting some climbs under your belt. At the same time you can analyze where and why you are falling, apply some training techniques to that area and go back later to the project to see where you stand.

Niagara Glen

Is there a sustainable practice or initiative in place at Niagara Glen, and how does it contribute to preserving the climbing area for future generations?

Not sure… aside from what I do as the portfolio manager, there doesn’t seem to be much going on with the glen as far as I know from the climbers. I think the forestry folks do some research every now and then about the species there, but I can’t find any relevant information about it.

The best thing we can do is to educate ourselves and others about the ethics of outdoor climbing, and not just climbing i should say, but ethics in general, from the simplest idea of not leaving trash behind, being respectful to one another and to the environment, etc.

But I guess it is difficult to achieve that because we don’t take the time to educate others or ourselves, or maybe we want to but we don’t have the proper resources to do so, whether it is lack of information, time, or effort to do so.

How should someone prepare themselves for their first time climbing outdoors or going to Niagara Glen?

Ask loads of questions, ask people who go outdoors and know about it, ask gym staff they will lead you to the right people, ask on social media for advice and who can help out, ASK ASK ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a ton of information online about outdoor rock climbing, and it might be somewhat relevant to the glen, but it is not the same when it coming from someone who goes there frequently and knows the area and ethics well.

How is Niagara Glen different from other bouldering areas (name a few if you want)? (Considering your experience) Are there any area-specific guidelines?

The glen seems to be different from other areas in mainly one way, at least compared to other bouldering areas that I have been to, it is mainly run by non climbers. most of the work that goes into the glen is done by the nature reserve, the cleaning of the area is done by them, putting up signs and maintaining paths is through them as well, and much more. In Squamish for example the work is mostly done by climbers and volunteers who keep the area clean and well established.

It is quite nice that the nature reserved puts in most of the work for us, but it takes away some of the accountability from the climbers to keep the place in proper shape and to abide by the rules.

Another guideline at the glen that is not as common as other bouldering areas is the no top out rule, that one is pretty controversial, that main reason behind why it is not allowed is because some of the boulders have an endangered species growing on top of it, the nature reserve wishes to keep those species alive and prosper through.

Is there a plan to hold an "Intro To Outdoor Bouldering" soon? Would this be beneficial to those with outdoor experience as well? Would you mind explaining why if so (considering the “brush your tick marks” instagram post).

There is an intro to outdoor bouldering event coming up !!!! it will be for folks of any climbing level, but mainly catered to those who have little to no experience outdoors.

the workshop will speak and point out the etiquette of being a climber outdoors and things to look out for while bouldering outside.

Ontario’s Climbing Community

What does community mean to you?

I am not entirely sure, community means: people living in the same place or a feeling of fellowship with others because they share a common interest/goal.

We use the term very loosely and have our own definition and meaning behind it. So for me I guess it boils down to:

Being INVOLVED with the group of people who share interests and goals.

I don’t really have the best way of explaining how I would say what it means to me, as a fencing coach I want everyone who comes to our classes to feel welcomed and accepted for who they are, I see our fencers as a part of the fencing community, then you have the fencers who get involved with more than just the fencing, they become friends with one another and us the coaches, so we have now created this sub category of fencers that we identify as the the clubs community, and that encompasses most of our fencers since they tend to feel accepted and welcomed in the club which encourages them to be more involved with us and one another.

This can then translate to the climbing community, if you are a climber then by definition you are part of the climbing community, do you go to a climbing gym and climb there? then you are part of the gym climbing community, if you are more involved with a group of climbers then you have another set of community there and so on and so forth.

Do you or your climbing friends reach out in other contexts that don’t involve climbing? Can you rely on them?

Yeah totally, I have established quite a great friendship with lots of my climbing friends over the years that we can rely on each other for anything. Some of my climbing friends joined my book club, some I go disc golfing with, some came to my wedding.

I know I can rely on them when i moved and they came to help, or when one of them was going through a break up and came to me for support.

Should politics be kept out of climbing?

No, I say nothing is off limits, as long as you are aware of the comfort level of those who are around you. If politics is a shared interest and a topic you wish to discuss then go for it, if not then try to be empathetic and not bring certain topics up.

Do you consider Ontario’s Climbing Community to be active, welcoming, enthusiastic, and emphatic? If yes, how? If not, why?

I do consider it be active, now more than ever, with the introduction of many new climbing gyms the climbing scene has exploded in Ontario. There are events happening almost every week or every other week just in the GTA.

The Ontario climbing community is also very welcoming now, being a new climber now is the best, everyone is psyched and has a great level of enthusiasm for the sport. Climbers do tend to be empathetic and genuinely nice people. You do get the odd folks here and there that are not as socially aware and educated as we would like them to be, but the come around and start to change their behaviors as they learn more and more about the community and the sport.

Do you think Ontario’s Climbing Community is inclusive and diverse?

It is very inclusive and diverse! Barriers to entry to the sport are being broken down day by day in Ontario and it is encouraging to watch. There are many events happening throughout the gyms that are encouraging folks to join the sport.

Ethical Sustainability

Do climbers have social responsibilities?

Ex. Mentoring newer climbers, carrying all trash or brushing tick marks even if it’s not theirs, promoting inclusivity within the climbing community, being an advocate for environmental conservation…

I don’t think climbers must have social responsibility. I think we must have social awareness and knowledge, and it will be up to us to decide what level of responsibility we want to take. In order to be socially aware and knowledgeable you must do your research and learn about etiquette of the climbing world. After that you can decide how involved you would like to be. There is a certain level of responsibility that we all share, and anything beyond that is up to the individual and how much they would like to take on.

What steps can climbers take to show commitment to the well-being of the local area and non-climbing community? RE: Access Concerns Ex. Clean-ups, volunteering, creation of a climbing youth program for local community centers…

1.Host events and workshops that educate climbers. This is probably the best thing you can do to engage and make a change.

2.Reach out to people, organizations, and gym with ideas regarding issues in the climbing scene. This way you can help bring awareness to channels that can then create events and workshops to make a change.

3.Sharing relevant information on social media. The social media world is our best method of communication and the easiest way to reach out to the masses. a simple share of a post talking about ethics and rules about climbing will reach more people than you think.

4.Informing friends and strangers at the gym. When seeing something, we can try to muster up the courage and say something. The approach is the best aspect here, going with a mindset of empathy and helping rather than shaming and ridiculing will create a better environment for learning.

5.Being true to ourselves and values. As long as you do what is right and maintain a healthy relationship with the sport, others will see that and inspire to become better.

When buying new gear or apparel, what do you look for? Ex. Guarantee, Functionality, versatility, customizability, durability…


I definitely changed my perspective on purchasing gear nowadays. I look for local brands that are trying to make a change or are excellent patrons of the sport. then i look for durability and functionality, climbing is a rough sport so i need clothes that will last a while and are comfortable plus starchy to climb in. I don’t really care about style because I have a poor sense of fashion.

I don’t buy much gear because I don’t need much for bouldering. And I am extremely lucky to be sponsored by Flashed and Evolv who give me pads and shoes, and that is all i need for climbing.

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Ali Al-Nakeeb on Solving Problems

Ali Al-Nakeeb on Solving Problems

I began climbing in 2016 when my university housemate took me to Junction Climbing center....
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